My journey began in 2012 on YouTube, where my partner and I shared videos of the unconventional lifestyle we lived as kids in our 20s. Our videos quickly went viral, amassing over 110 million views, which landed us on AOL's homepage and in various other media outlets, overnight (yes, literally overnight). This sudden exposure was a masterclass in dealing with public opinion, which taught me some powerful lessons early on.

People wanted to know more about how we were able to live lives so different from the norm, which led me to start Infinite Prosperity- a financial education business. It was there that I shared the financial strategies I'd learned that had changed my financial destiny, so others could do the same. Over the next eight years, my team and I turned it into a multi-7 figure business that served over 80,000 students. 


It's so nice to meet you!

Although our life on YouTube looked perfect, behind the scenes it had never been more challenging.

In 2015, I lost my partner to cancer at 24 years old. It was hard to make any sense of this devastating event at the time, but years later, the silver lining and lessons became clear - I now know the real value of time. I experienced how suddenly it can be taken from you, so I vowed never to waste it again. I'm so thankful that although his days were short, they were full. Full of love, experiences, travel, creation, inspiration, and giving back - which is something I believe we all deserve.

The challenges led me here...

I took a break from sharing my life so publicly and founded Unemployed Media, a company focused on product development and video marketing for entrepreneurs. Drawing on the experience from growing my own business, I consulted with and created products for top brands in the online education world.

Through developing a variety of digital products, both for my ventures and others, a clear issue emerged: the lack of a platform that effortlessly combined content, community, events, and chat, in one simple to use and beautiful place.

Now, I'm building MemberUp to solve this problem. My goal is to help more people start community led online businesses change their lives and the lives of their members.


Show as many souls as possible how to escape the system by making, multiplying, and managing money, so they can stop enduring life and start fully experiencing it.

Early mornings,
good matcha, equestrian adventures,
 owning your worth,
 and a neutral palette.

Early mornings,
good matcha, spontaneous adventures,
 owning your worth,
 and a neutral palette.


Studying finance and working at an Aussie bank. Hated it. Started an eBay store and learned to trade. Quit my job  and dropped out once I hit 6 figures.


Friends and family got curious about what I was doing, so I started teaching them with my friend (who taught me). Many produced better results than us. 


After realizing how inefficient in person teaching was and how well our strategies worked - we created Infinite Prosperity, my first online course.


I accidentally moved to the US (yes, I met a guy...), and fell in love. He was a supercar enthusiast, and quickly convinced me to buy a Lamborghini 😅.


The video "22 Year Old Girl Buys Lamborghini" goes viral on YouTube. Overnight I learned a) the power of YouTube marketing and b) how to deal with mass amounts of judgement.


Infinite Prosperity makes 7 figures organically. Building out a game-changing product suite becomes our focus. I find out my partner has cancer.


I face my biggest fear - losing someone I love. Thankfully the freedom I'd created in my life gave me the space to take time away and heal. Horse riding was my outlet.


After many years running Infinite Prosperity, my business partner and I made the hard decision to step away from a still successful company to seek new challenges + solves new problems.


I'm invited to Hawaii through a business Mastermind to meet people I've never met. I go. There I fall in love with my (now) partner in life and work.
(lesson: say yes to spontaneous things)


The world shuts down. I go for a walk and meet my neighbors. This turns into the formation of Unemployed Media and a partnership with BossBabe to help them grow their business.


A problem in the online education industry became clear: The current community platforms are either too complicated, too expensive, not all in one, too bland, or too unreliable.


Today I'm building MemberUp to solve these problems. I continue to share the finance and business principles that changed my life through my two programs Rise, and Unemployed.


The many hats I wear:

Loving Partner
Hype Woman

warning: growth will occur

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The kind where I send you emails you actually want to read. I despise all the boring emails that most marketers send. So instead, I share actionable finance advice and tools that I'd actually want to receive with over 80,000 freedom seekers. Click the button below to get on the list and see what all the hype is about.

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