Learn how to gain financial power and master your money — in the most fun, non-intimidating 90-ish minutes possible.
*Joining the class will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you regarding this event. We promise not to spam you.
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I bet you have questions, fears, and misconceptions holding you back from getting started.
Maybe you hate math, are scared of making a mistake, or are in debt and have no clue when's the right time to get started of how to go about doing any of you put it off and focus on making more money instead of successfully managing and investing the money you do have.
But here's the thing...investing doesn't have to be complicated. In fact, once you join this workshop and see how simple and easy it is to put your money to work for you, you'll be kicking you didn't do it sooner.
The sooner you start, the sooner you can relax, knowing that you're in control of your money, instead of your money controlling you.
The longer you wait to start, the harder it it becomes to get ahead. But I know it can be terrifying, which is exactly why I'm hosting this event for you.
Join me on this free workshop and let me teach you what school should have taught us all. And no, you don’t need a lot of money to get started. If you have around $100, that’s all you really need to begin!
You know managing money and investing is important, but have NO IDEA how to start.
You feel nervous or intimidated about investing (“what if I lose all my money?”).
You’re ready to implement a simple system to ensure you never stress about money again.
You want to get rich quick, or expect overnight results.
You want to become a full time day trader (this is about passively investing).
You think negatively of money, and aren't open to rewiring your financial beliefs.
You want to retire someday (fun fact: you won’t be able to retire if you don’t invest!).
You find yourself thinking, “WTF is the difference between a stock and a bond?!”
At 18 I was studying finance and climbing the corporate ladder at a popular Australian bank, thinking it was what I needed to do to create freedom and abundance in my life.
I learned very quickly I was wrong. I dropped out, quit my job and learned from mentors with the lifestyle and results I wanted (the first and one of the most important lessons I learned).
Today, 110 million views on YouTube, multiple seven figures, and lots of lessons later, I'm grateful to be living my dream life in Malibu, am the CEO and Co-Founder of MemberUp, and lead my own thriving finance community.
Everything I do now exists to help you (and the younger version of me) leave behind undesirable work and create financial freedom, just like I did.
*Joining the class will subscribe you to our email list. You may unsubscribe at any time, though doing so means we cannot contact you regarding this event. We promise not to spam you.
80,000+ people just like you Master Their Money + Start Investing.
"Compound interest is the eighth wonder of the world. He who understands it, earns it. He who doesn’t, pays it."